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Exams take place during the program. Course achievement of each module is checked in a timely manner. The exact nature of the tests for the individual modules is regulated in the Examination Regulations (Annex 3) in German.

The following modules are not concluded with a module examination:

  • Introduction to Psychology (no grade given)
  • Empirical-Experimental Internship (Internship reflections and posters are graded)
  • Bachelor Preparatory Course (a proposal [2-4 pages] for the planned bachelor’s thesis is marked passed or failed)

Examination formats

The following testing forms are used:

  1. Multiple choice (e.g., Basics in Clinical Psychology, Biological Psychology, General Psychology I)
  2. Open questions (e.g., Differential Psychology)
  3. Combination of (1) and (2) (e.g., Social Psychology)
  4. If necessary, oral examinations are offered

Coordination and registration

The examination dates are coordinated in the Examinations Office of the Institute of Psychology. The examinations are organized in such a way that the overlaps are kept to a minimum. The temporal organization can be found in the permanent examination plans in German.

The examination dates are usually announced by the examiner at the beginning of a module. Further information about the examination dates is given to the students via OPIUM (Online System for Examination Management). The procedures of re-examination and compensation for students with special needs are regulated in the Examination Regulations (§ 11) in German.

Bachelor’s thesis

The Bachelor Psychology Program ends with the bachelor’s thesis. The workload for the bachelor’s thesis corresponds to 12 credit points, or a workload of 360 hours. In order to enable completion of the bachelor's thesis, which is accompanied by modules, processing time is three months. The topic and the assigned tasks must be given in such a way that the bachelor’s thesis can be completed within the stipulated deadline.