
Library for Universal Virtual Reality Experiments: luVRe
LuVRe is a video database designed to provide a standardized set of virtual reality (VR) clips. Our goal is to provide a growing set of clips enabling researchers to study emotional and cognitive processes under realistic conditions, while maintaining experimental control.
Technical details: LuVRe comprises various 3D-360° videos and pictures covering a large variety of emotionally-evocative themes. Each video was recorded with a resolution of 4k at 60 fps and has a length of 30 seconds. Longer videos are available upon request. Watching these videos with a head mounted display (HMD), such as the HTC Vive, Occulus Rift, or with a mobile phone, e.g. Samsung Gear VR, results in an immersive experience. Users can turn their head 360° in a stereoscopic scene. The videos can also be watched with a conventional PC using the GoPro VR Player www.kolor.com/gopro-vr-player/download/ or the Insta360 Player www.insta360.com/download/insta360-other
Content of the database: LuVRe is constantly growing as new videos and themes are added continuously. Already existing themes include:
- a diving platform at a swimming pool
- the inside of a Soviet submarine
- a dentist appointment
- close contact with animals such as horses or rhinos, zebras, and meerkats
- scenes from an emergency room
- etc.
Purpose and licensing: The database is freely available for researchers at degree-granting institutions for non-profit (psychological) research. It is prohibited to display, further distribute or make the content available to other companies or organizations.
Viewer discretion advised: Standing next to a dead body with the feeling that you only have to stretch out your hand to touch it can be an emotionally charged event that should not be underestimated. The database contains scenes from real life, the sequences from the hospital are not staged, the injuries are real. In our experience, many scenes in 2D seem much more harmless than they are in virtual reality.
Publication: Schöne, B., Kisker, J., Sylvester, R.S. Radtke, E.L., Gruber, T., Library for universal virtual reality experiments (luVRe): A standardized immersive 3D/360° picture and video database for VR based research. Curr Psychol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01841-1
Article download: https://rdcu.be/clkXy
Demo material:
To request access to the database, please fill out this PDF and send it to luvre@uni-osnabrueck.de, subject: Access to luVRe. For other questions or remarks please contact benjamin.schoene@uni-osnabrueck.de.
Original picture © Mutua Matheka/ProKraft Africa, http://mutuamatheka.co.ke, Instagram @truthslinger
Since 2023, we provide a sub-library of luVRe, the Faces of the luVRe database, featuring 3D-360° pictures of persons and several control stimuli, e.g., blurred images as perceptual controls and cars as object controls. The images were taken at a standard height of 1.12 m and a distance of 62 cm for people and 92 cm for cars and are best viewed in a seated position.
Sagehorn, M., Johnsdorf, M., Kisker, J., Sylvester, S., Gruber, T., & Schöne, B. (2023). Real-life relevant face perception is not captured by the N170 but reflected in later potentials: A comparison of 2D and virtual reality stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1050892. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1050892
Link to Publication: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1050892/full
To access to the Faces of the luVRe database, please fill out this PDF and sent it to luvre@uni-osnabrueck.de, subject: Access to Faces of the luVRe.