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In the following, you will find courses offered by our department this semester, divided into lectures, seminars, recitations and internships. You will find more detailed information about the courses (after registration in Stud.IP) via the red event links. You must register in Stud.IP. In Stud.ip all the materials for the course is also available. Courses of our department in Stud.IP are all accessible without a password.

     Lehrveranstaltungen Lebenslauf Publikationen

M.A. Johannes Brinz

Tel.: +49 541 969-7114

Raum: 69/103
Institut für Philosophie
Albrechtstraße 28a
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: Mi. 08:00 - 10:00 Uhr


Sommersemester 2024
Wittgenstein - Tractatus logico-philosophicus


08/2022 MA Philosophy
04/2022 – 08/2022 Master thesis Philosophy („Applicability of the Chinese Room
Argument to Spiking Neural Networks“)
08/2021 BSc Physics
07/2020 BA Philosophy
10/2017 – 09/2022 Student of Philosophy, Physics and German Literature, TU Dresden
10/2016 – 09/2017 Student of Philosophy and Literature, LMU München
08/2016 BSc Mechanical Engineering
10/2012 – 08/2016 Student of Mechanical Engineering, TU München
08/2012 Abitur


Articles and Papers

"The Morse code room - Applicability of the Chinese Room Argument to Spiking Neural Networks", Qucosa (2023)
Der metaethische Realismus Julian Nida-Rümelins", Qucosa (2021)



Johannes Brinz (2024): From Simulating Towards Replicating the Brain: Philosophy of Neuromorphic AI, online:


Johannes Brinz (2024): Virtuality and Reality – The Simulation – Realization Distinction and its Implications for AI: Global Justice, Technology and Integrated Research, online:

Johannes Brinz (2024): Neuromorphic AI, Philosophy in Technology (PinT 2024), Wroclaw, Poland.


Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Editor (with Gualtiero Piccinini), Philosophy of Neuromoprhic AI, special issue of Philosophy of AI


Organized Conferences 

Workshop Philosophy of Neuromorphic AI 2024, online:



Johannes Brinz (2023): Virtuality and Reality – The Simulation – Realization Distinction and its Implications for AI, Summer School Philosophy and Computer Science, Bayreuth, Germany.

Johannes Brinz (2023): Neuromorphic AI – From Simulating Torwads Replicating the Brain. Conference on Philosophy of AI (PhilAI), Erlangen, Germany.